Surgery & Anesthetic Monitoring


Anesthesia comes with a risk for every patient and we minimize that risk as much as possible by performing pre-operative blood work, placing an intravenous catheter to allow rapid access to the patient’s veins in case of emergency, anesthetic drugs tailored to the patient's needs and underlying diseases, and anesthetic monitoring equipment.

On the day before your pets' surgery a member of our staff will communicate with you on what to do before the surgery takes place. A technician will check your pet in the morning of surgery, you will speak to a doctor prior to the procedure and that same technician will discharge your pet later in the day with detailed instructions for post-operative care. We will be with you every step of the way to make sure your that pet heals well.

We have state-of-the-art monitoring equipment to keep your pet safe while under anesthesia. We monitor our patients’ EKG or ECG (electrocardiogram), blood pressure, capnography (measures gas exchange from the lungs), heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and pulse oximetry.

We are pleased to offer a wide range of surgical procedures. Some of the procedures include:

  • Ovariohysterectomy (spay)
  • Orchiectomy (neuter)
  • Hernia repair
  • Laceration repair
  • Small and extensive mass removals
  • Intestinal surgeries - removing foreign body material or obstructions
  • Biopsies
  • Cystotomy (remove bladder stones)
  • Ophthalmic (eye) surgeries: cherry eye repair, entropion, enucleation, eyelid mass removal, grid keratectomy
  • Abscess treatment


While these are elective surgical procedures, we want you to be aware that we do not offer tail docking, ear cropping or declawing at our clinic.

We offer cutting edge pain management for controlling pain in pets during and after surgery. It is our goal to keep your pet as comfortable and pain free as possible. An individualized pain management plan will be formulated for your pet taking into account the procedure being performed and any underlying health concerns.